
Grand Opening of the Swedish Pavilion
Celebrations: Watch a performance from our secret guest and enjoy a sparkling evening at The Forest.

Universal Health Coverage Day
Expo2020Dubai: Expo 2020 Dubai draws attention to the importance of worldwide strong health on the international universal health coverage day.

Travel and Connectivity focus week
Expo2020Dubai: Visit Expo 2020 during the focus on the physical reality in an increasingly digitalized world.

International Day of Education
Expo2020Dubai: Join the conversation on education at Expo 2020 Dubai.

Health and Wellness focus week
Expo2020Dubai: Visit Expo 2020 Dubai as the world comes together to create a healthier future.

Sweden Innovation Days
Expo2020Dubai: Join us at this four day digital conference to address the Sustainable Development Goals together!

Food, Agriculture and Livelihood focus week
Circular and Bio-based economy: Visit Expo 2020 Dubai as the future of agricultural practices is discussed during Food, Agriculture and Livelihood focus week.

Rare Diseases Day
Expo2020Dubai: Learn more about, and shine a light on rare diseases.

International Day of Happiness
Expo2020Dubai: Visit Expo 2020 Dubai as a celebration of all kinds of happiness is held.

Water focus week
Bio circular: The world comes together to find solutions for tomorrow's challenges regarding access to safe water, the ocean's ecosystems, and the shipping industry.

Mother’s Day at Expo 2020
Celebrations: How to celebrate your mother on Mother's Day? The answer is obvious: Visit Expo 2020 in Dubai.

World Water Day
Circular and Bio-based economy: Visit Expo 2020 Dubai during World Water Day.

Universal Children’s Day
Celebrations: Join Expo 2020 Dubai and celebrate children worldwide during the universal children's day.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Expo2020Dubai: Visit Expo 2020 Dubai as people of all abilities are acknowledged.

Human Rights Day
Expo2020Dubai: Visit Expo 2020 Dubai as experts discuss worldwide issues during Human Rights Day.

UAE Flag Day
Celebrations: Join Expo 2020 Dubai in the celebration of the host country during the UAE flag day.

World Cities Day
Expo2020Dubai: Join us at Expo 2020 Dubai to celebrate world cities day and promote innovative and ethical urbanization.

International Handwashing Day
Essity: Join Essity during their event at Expo2020Dubai discussing the importance of handwashing worldwide.

World Food Day
Bio circular: Visit Expo 2020 Dubai where the world comes together to discuss the future of safe and healthy food during World Food Day.

Halloween at Expo 2020 Dubai
Expo2020Dubai: Visit Expo 2020 Dubai as the spookiest time of the year, Halloween is celebrated.

Space focus week
Connected industries and new materials: Join the Swedish pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai while we discuss space and the opportunities it comes with.

Urban and Rural Development focus week
Expo2020Dubai: Visit Expo 2020 Dubai as the world comes together to discuss the future of the development in the city and the countryside.

Opening Ceremony
Celebrations: Experience the celebration that is the Grand opening of Expo 2020 Dubai.

Climate and Biodiversity focus week
Bio circular: Visit Expo 2020 this week to watch as the world tackles the ongoing Climate and Biodiversity issue.