
Optimist’s Edge in Space: Invest In Space With Astronomical Returns
Expo2020Dubai: WHY SPACE? BECAUSE EARTH DEPENDS ON IT. From space we see no borders. With the same openness we will share insights from space and contribute to a new space perspective that […]

The film festival of the Swedish Pavilion at Expo 2020
Expo2020Dubai: Welcome to movie nights in the Swedish Forest Under the Expo theme week ‘’Tolerance and Inclusivity’’, the Embassy of Sweden in the UAE presents the film festival of the Swedish Pavilion […]

Swedish-Emirati Dads
Expo2020Dubai: Swedish Dads is a photo exhibition by photographer Johan Bävman. The purpose of this allocation is to promote gender equality and inspire fathers to spend more time with their kids and to raising awareness of gender equality in parenthood is key to an equal society.