Space Week

Moving from climate crisis response to risk management
Expo2020Dubai: Join the Swedish Embassy in their High-Level event. Where the discussion is about how we can use space technologies for anticipatory humanitarian action. Let's move from climate crisis respons to risk management.

Space Luncheon – invitation only
Expo2020Dubai: Do you want to taste space? Forest food hall has prepared a space inspired luncheon.

Full Moon reception – invitation only
Expo2020Dubai: SAAB is hosting an full moon event on the rooftop of the Swedish Pavilion.

Space technology transfer for sustainability
Expo2020Dubai: Join Magnus Penker (Innovation 360 group), Frank Salzgeber (European Space Agency) Jakob Trollbäck (The New Division) on the co-creation stage to discover how we can increase our sustainability thanks to space.

Presentation on research and space activities – KTH

Travel to Mars in two minutes – VR experience
Expo2020Dubai: Make you wildest dream come true and travel to Mars with the VR experience.

Travel to Mars in two minutes – VR experience
Expo2020Dubai: Make you wildest dream come true and travel to Mars with the VR experience.

Travel to Mars in two minutes – VR experience
Expo2020Dubai: Make you wildest dream come true and travel to Mars with the VR experience.

Travel to Mars in two minutes – VR experience
Expo2020Dubai: Make you wildest dream come true and travel to Mars with the VR experience.

Space lab workshop
Expo2020Dubai: Get involved in space discoveries at the Swedish Pavilion. Join the Space lab workshop.

Launching Space for Wildlife with Peace Parks Foundation. How space technologies can contribute to stop poaching.
Expo2020Dubai: Why Space? Because Earth depends on it.

Space for Wildlife Workshop for young ones, with Professor Jan Stael von Holstein
Expo2020Dubai: Why Space? Because Earth depends on it.

Optimist’s Edge in Space: We Need Space To Create a Sustainable Earth
Expo2020Dubai: Why Space? Because Earth depends on it.

Test drive the Mars Rover with Astronaut Christer Fuglesang

Warp Day
Expo2020Dubai: Why space? Because Earth depends on it.

Space Week Grand Opening
Celebrations: Visit the Swedish pavilion as they inaugurate the Space Week on the 17th of October 2021.

Space focus week
Connected industries and new materials: Join the Swedish pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai while we discuss space and the opportunities it comes with.

Optimist’s Edge in Space: Invest In Space With Astronomical Returns
Expo2020Dubai: WHY SPACE? BECAUSE EARTH DEPENDS ON IT. From space we see no borders. With the same openness we will share insights from space and contribute to a new space perspective that […]