What we do
In association with the member companies, the Federation works with trade policy in Sweden and the rest of Europe, and with market issues for wood products. This includes initiatives to strengthen forest industry research in Sweden and the EU, as well as monitoring and standardisation in the wood and construction sector, and in the fields of energy and the environment. The member companies take part in and contribute to the Federation’s work through committees.
Trade policy
Political decisions on energy, forest, climate, transport and other areas all have an effect on trade and industry. The Swedish Forest Industries Federation is a natural discussion partner that maintains ongoing dialogue with the government, parliament, authorities and political parties. At the European level, the Federation is a member of the trade organisations CEPI and CEI-Bois.
Swedish Wood
Through marketing, advocacy and the dissemination of knowledge, the Swedish Forest Industries Federation works for the increased use of wood. Initiatives are coordinated in a Swedish and an international programme, targeting both professionals and the general public. Read more about what Swedish Wood does.
Wood Building Council
Sveriges Träbyggnadskansli – the Swedish Wood Building Council – is a collaboration between the Swedish Forest Industries Federation and the Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry. The council works to ensure a more extensive use of modern wood buildings in the Swedish construction market, with particular focus on multi-storey buildings, public buildings and large road bridges. It provides information, expert assistance and project support for all initiatives being taken across Sweden.
Sector and market analysis
Sector and market statistics are compiled as a service to member companies, the media and other parties. They also provide important basic data for the Federation’s work on trade policy issues and wood promotion. Reports and analyses clarify the importance of the forest industry to Sweden’s economy.
Communication within the Swedish Forest Industries Federation aims to boost the sector’s visibility. It is a well-integrated aspect of the operation, and the communication department works consciously to tailor what is conveyed: the right message, via the right channels, to the right target group.
The Swedish Forest Industries Federation is one of 50 member organisations in the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. Together with the Swedish Federation of Green Employers, the Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry and the Swedish Graphic Industries Federation, the Swedish Forest Industries Federation owns the limited liability service company Arbio AB.