Increased well being in a wooden house
When harvested in a controlled manner wood is a never ending resource. Timber is one of the most climate friendly materials due to the trees ability to store carbonedioxide, according to a report made by Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). Through photosynthesis trees absorb carbondioxide and as long as the tree is not dead or rotten the gas will stay locked up within the tree, which lowers the carbon footprint.
Timber is not only beneficial for the environment – living in a wooden house can also increase the individuals well being. Being surrounded by nature has a calming effect on our bodies, according to reports from the university of Tampere. Wood is a breathable material but still very dense. This combination creates favorable air circulation while still maintaining a good isolation to assure a comfortable living environment.
On the 2nd and 3rd of November a hybrid event is hosted by Smart City Sweden to discuss the wood building industry and all its benefits. Join the event physically in the Swedish pavilion or digital on our event page.
To participate, sign up here.