Welcome to The Good Place
Calling its visitors to action The Good Place pavilion aims to create intriguing, inspiring human interaction. The pavilion is one of the special pavilions at Expo 2020 in Dubai, sharing the site with the participating nations country pavilions.
The Good Place pavilion, located in the Opportunity District, aims to not only introduce its visitors to extraordinary innovations by ordinary people, but to inspire visitors to join the community. This follows the direction of the Expo Live initiative as well as the theme of the pavilion; “Innovation can come from anywhere, to everyone”
Designed by Ahmad Abdulrahman Bukhash The Good Place pavilion features mirrors alongside pictures of innovations, visually inspiring those who see themselves in the mirror to tap into their own innovative skills. The pavilion will also serve as an actual place for visitors to meet innovators and engage with them.
Expo Live is a programme initiated by Expo 2020 Dubai, the programme shall; ”fund, accelerate and promote creative solutions that improve lives while preserving our planet,” according to the Expo Live manual. The manual also states the aim for the initiative: ”Our hope is to engage the international community in seeking collective solutions to global challenges in our subtheme areas of Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability.”